Saturday, November 18, 2017

Loon Lake Camp Retreat Part 3

Please read Loon Lake Camp Retreat Part 1 and Loon Lake Camp Retreat Part 2 first! Okay, if you have read it, then on to part 3. There will be 4 parts to this series and maybe a fifth to add small events and my thoughts on the trip.

11:00 PM

I went on my phone to check some Toronto Raptors highlights (they beat the Pelicans 122-118), and the Seattle Seahawks highlights (they beat Arizona 22-16). I was going to sleep before 12 AM but my cabinmate, Jessie, slept early at 11:15 PM. Oh well, I might as well sleep sooner than later. After playing an app game called "Rider" (it's a great time-killer game), I slept at 11:30 PM. In fact, all the people in my cabin slept prior to midnight.

Day 2

1:00 AM

Wow. I was sooo hot in my sleeping bag that I woke up in the middle of the night. Even Jessie woke up, and it took a long time to go back to sleep. We both had to use the bathroom, and it extremely hard to get into a good position to get sleeping again. I tried using the sleeping bag as a bedsheet then put clothes on top of me to get warm, but it was COLD. Then I tried using the sleeping bag as a blanket, and that too was hard. Oh well. It took Jessie and I hour to go back to sleep. I even played on my phone a bit. Unfortunately, I had to conserve my battery as it was falling under 33% with half a day to go.

6:30 AM

At last, it was morning. I did my routine of going to the bathroom and using the toilet and gargling in the sink. I drank some water and found out I was the first person in my cabin to wake up. So it was a quiet start to the morning.

7:00 AM

I decided to go outside to see the morning view of how peaceful the water and the nature were outside. I even had a small chat with someone about how wonderful life can be by just looking at the scenery. Also, I was able to sneak a zoomed-in photo of the water later on in the morning. Back in the cabin, people started waking up and we started to pack our belongings early, which was good. 

7:45 AM

Quick meet-up in the common room, and I've learned that other people were up in their cabins until 2-3 AM. I'm like: "Oh my goodness! How do they do that?? They can chat for 3 hours?? Unbelievable." There was also people sneaking into other rooms instead of staying in their own room. I was told that there were 6 or 8 people in David's room at one point. Wha?

8:00 AM

If I had to pick the best meal, this wold be the one. Hash browns. Bacon. Eggs. Fresh Cantaloupe. I'm in heaven! I filled my stomach up, because I inferred that it would be a light lunch for me. Anyways, some of my cabinmates and friends were hoping for pancakes, but there weren't any. :( There also was cereal, sausages, french bread, and more fruits to pick from. I was hoping for milk, but it was only 2% milk. I only drink 1% or skim milk.

My breakfast, except no bread and more bacon. (I got this photo online)

So that was the nighttime and morning for me, we will start at 8:45 AM next time. Below/on the right is a picture I found of us on the field playing capture the flag.

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