Saturday, August 5, 2017

The Simpsons Season 7 Episode 3: Home Sweet Homediddly-Dum-Doodily

Home Sweet Homediddly-Dum-Doodily (yes, that's the name of the episode) is about when Bart and Lisa get sent home due to being poorly dressed up for school, Marge and Homer are accused of being bad parents. The Child Protective Services agents arrive at their house and take Bart, Lisa, and Maggie to a foster home, which is right next door, in Ned Flanders' house. Marge and Homer have to stay 100 feet away from them until they become better parents.

While Bart and Lisa hate living with the Flanders (like the activites that they do), Maggie enjoys it as she gets more attention from Flanders than she did with Homer. Meanwhile, Homer and Marge are forced to attend a special class for bad parents so they can get their children back.
But Flanders finds out that Bart and Lisa were not baptized, so he give the kids an emergency baptism in the Springfield River. When Homer and Marge are declared decent parents, they quickly head for the Springfield River to stop Flanders. Just as Flanders is about to pour holy water on Bart, Homer pushes Bart over to prevent the water from hitting his head. The Simpson family is reunited, they head home together, and all is well at the end.

My thoughts:

How many times have I watched it: Once, last week.

Chalkboard Gag: No one wants to hear from my armpits. LOL. (A-)

Couch Gag: Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa, Maggie, Grampa, Santa's Little Helper, and Snowball II are in a nine-square grid as seen in the opening The Brady Bunch. I know the TV show, and that's clever. (A)

Storyline: This episode has a great first act. Everything is set up well in an amusing and well paced fashion, and there's some fun drama at the end of the act. Also, some pretty good elements early on in the show: (Old newspapers for a school project, the "I'm a Stupid Baby" sign Bart makes for Lisa, an errant soccer ball to the head)

After this, though, it never really peaks again. The two plots worked well together but they never felt that significant. I didn't really like the scene with Homer not listening to the judge, it may not have been long (about 10 seconds), but I just thought it was unnecessary. But on the other hand, there were still some cool snapshots, like these two for example: 
(PS-This would be on top if you're looking at this on a phone)

Ultimately, a very strong episode with some great jokes and strong plot, however there were small problems that stop this from being perfect.

My Grade: A-/B+

I leave you with one more funny picture:

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