Wednesday, August 2, 2017

How The Simpsons Review Will Work

How will the reviews for Simpsons work? Well, I will alternate from reviewing one old season (around 2000) and one new season (around 2005-2010). I'll go through the season watching or re-watching the episodes, as for some episode I have never watched it before, while others I have watched at least 5 times. I will start with a summary of the episode, then my take on it. Then it will be graded from an A+ to an F. There will be snapshots from the show, and clips from Youtube for you to watch.

What seasons have I picked to start of with?

A good place to start is season 7 and season 17. I know season 7 well (I own the DVD) and season 17 has a good distance from season 7 from when it aired on TV.

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