Friday, August 18, 2017

Odds and Evens: A Quicker 50/50 Game Than Rock, Paper, Scissors

Rock, paper, scissors! This game is easily playable, it's played all around the world, and, it's a quick game to play to decide something, like who wins a dollar. But ever thought of a quicker game than the old Roshambo game? That game is called Odds and Evens.

(It's also called choosies, swords, and bucking-up)

How to play: 2 people decide who will be assigned odds and who will be evens. Then, one or both people say "One, two, three, shoot!" As the word "shoot" is said, the two people quickly show one or two fingers into the center. The sum total of fingers displayed is either odd or even. If the result is odd, then the person who called odds wins, and if the result is even, the person who called evens wins. Some games are just one, and some are a best of 3.

And here's a small Youtube clip for you Seinfeld fans. (Skip to 1:00 for the game)

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