Sunday, September 3, 2017

How to Win at Thumb Wrestling

One, two, three, four, I declare a thumb war! It's a simple game, but there ARE tips on winning this game. Here are a few tips to victory.

1. Have a quick attack. Counterclockwise is the more powerful direction for right handed thumb wrestlers. If it is well executed, you are likely to win.

  • If you miss, getting out of the attack fast. However, you are open to quick counterattack.
  • Getting out of the attack quickly is more important than being able to score a fast win.
  • If properly executed, the attack should look like a semicircle mostly vertical yet slanted a bit away from your body.
2. Know the 2 main types of pin-downs.
  • Being pinned on the joint in the middle of the thumb.
    • The one who is pinned forces their thumb downwards, and then a quick jerk directly toward him/herself.
  • Being pinned down behind the joint in the middle of your thumb.

    • If you get in this type of pin, look where the thumb has an opening, on the side where it is not connected to the hand.
    • That is the most difficult pin to escape. Push down as you make your escape, and quick jerks always beat constant outward pressure.

3. Have a chant. 

  • After the one, two, three, four, I declare a thumb war chant, continue the chant. Make up something to have your opponent laugh, then do a quick attack, and you will almost always be successful.
  • If they use joke chants, they may look for your reaction or possibly laugh themselves, and they put them in a vulnerable position.
  • You will look more mature if you do not react to their joke.
2 more quick tips: Keep your hand as still as possible (it actually gives you and advantage), and don't do a fast count. They may ask for another game.

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