Wednesday, September 20, 2017

The Simpsons Season 21 Episode 4: The Devil Wears Nada

At the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant, HomerLenny, and Carl are celebrating their freedom from supervision after their supervisor has a retirement party. Suddenly, Mr. Burns arrives and chooses Carl as the new supervisor, after seeing that he is the best employee of the three. 

Meanwhile, to raise money, Marge and her "Charity Chicks" group decide to follow the Springfield Police Department's "sexy" calendar. At the photo studio, Marge does not want to show any skin. But Julio, the photographer, loosens her up with red wine, and she ends up revealing more than she planned. Marge and her erotic poses are soon on calendars which has everyone in Springfield talking about. 

Back at the plant, Carl makes Homer his new assistant. But when Marge wants to make love with Homer, he is too exhausted to satisfy her. Homer tries to make up for it by taking Marge out to a hotel. They try to have a romantic night together, Homer receives a phone call from Carl who tells him they are going to Paris on a business trip. When Homer leaves for Paris the next morning, Marge invites Ned Flanders and his children for dinner.

In Paris, Carl flirts with a beautiful woman, and he tells Homer that he plans to extend their stay indefinitely. Homer gets upset, and walks through the streets where everything reminds him of Marge (and Moe).

In Springfield, Bart and Lisa leave on Marge's dinner, and Ned shows up alone because Rod and Todd have been grounded. The dinner turns romantic, and Marge and Ned nearly kiss, but Marge sees of a wedding photo with Homer and find out that the food has finished cooking.

Meanwhile, Homer has forced Carl to give him his old job back by revealing that the woman Carl flirted with is actually the wife of the President of France. Homer arrives home just as Marge is bidding Ned goodnight, and Homer and Marge make love, undisturbed.

My thoughts: 

How many times have I seen it: Twice

Billboard Gag: Don't Face This Christmas Sober (A picture of Duffman holding a beer). No comment. (C)

Chalkboard Gag: I do not have the hots for my mom. You don't, Bart? (B)

Couch Gag: The Simpsons sit on a log that sinks into La Bra Tar Pits. Then their skeletons are then shown on display in a museum. The skulls were cool. (B-)

Storyline: I thought it was good. I don't think Homer and Marge's characterizations were so odd. I do think Flanders was maybe a little bit out of character, they got a little too fast to the kissing scene, though maybe the wine helped a little. The episode was a little disjointed with the calendar thing having a very thin relation with the main plot, but whatever, I'll let it go. I liked Carl getting promoted. It was a very good idea since he's always been smarter than Homer and Lenny. They did a good job making him a little bad, but without overdoing it. The backgrounds in Paris were nicely done, especially during those small music montages.

The jokes were fine, the highlights were:
-Julio saying "Don't stop, don't stop, don't stop, okay, you can stop now."
-Marge's breasts turning into Carl's head.
-Homer's bad luck with the dice. "Whisper Into Ass" was hilarious.
-Homer/Lenny/Carl's dream car race. "I win!"-Lenny
-Chief Wiggum on the Calendar.

Homer's dancing was cringy, and the school scene with Bart being made fun of were not necessary, especially Skinner/Chalmers laughing at Bart. That's all though.

Overall, a decent episode.

My grade: B+

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