Thursday, September 21, 2017

Why Dasani Water is Bad

I hate Dasani Water, but I just realized that the water is even WORSE than I thought. Here is why the water sucks.

What goes in bottled water? Surely it’s just water, right? Maybe a bit of salt? Well, if the bottled water in question is Dasani, you’ll find a bit more than salt and water on the label. There are some additional ingredients, two of which are potassium chloride and magnesium sulfate.

Potasium Chloride: This is a chemical murder weapon. Your body actually produces potassium chloride, but just enough of it. Nobody, except patients with abnormally low levels of potassium, needs any extra. Interestingly enough, it’s especially not recommended for people suffering from dehydration. Yet it’s in water. Dehydration sucks, but death is a lot worse. And death is exactly what happens when your body gets too much potassium chloride. Potassium chloride can also be found in fertilizer. The reason it’s found in Dasani? For taste.
Magnesium sulfate: Also known as Epsom salt, who would possibly think that their bottled water could potentially harm their a woman's fetus? That’s exactly what the magnesium sulfate in Dasani bottled water can do. That harm comes in the form of fetal bone damage. The risks begin when the pregnant mother consumes magnesium sulfate for more than 5 days straight. Unless said mother is planning on just taking a couple days off from water altogether, I’d say that’s a pretty good reason to kick Dasani to the curb for good.

And check this out, too.

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